Nursing Assistant Technician

Intermediate Vocational Training: Nursing Auxiliary Care Technician
Center: Barcelona, Madrid
Duration: 1,400 hours in one academic year
Mandatory Internships
Mode: In-person, Blended
Dual Training
Official Regulated Degree
Center code (08074082)

General Information

He Título de Técnico en Cuidados Auxiliares de Enfermería te capacita para proporcionar cuidados auxiliares al paciente y actuar sobre las condiciones sanitarias de su entorno, como miembro de un equipo de enfermería en centros sanitarios de atención especializada y primaria, bajo la supervisión de un diplomado en enfermería.

In Format Group, ofrecemos una formación integral con professionals in the sector, prácticas en empresas reconocidas y un itinerario flexible que se adapta a tu ritmo de estudio.

General Competencies

Al finalizar este ciclo formativo, estarás capacitado para:

  • Preparar los materiales y procesar la información de la consulta/unidad en las áreas de su competencia.

  • Aplicar cuidados auxiliares de enfermería al paciente/cliente.

  • Cuidar las condiciones sanitarias del entorno del paciente y del material/instrumental sanitario utilizado en las distintas consultas/unidades/servicios.

  • Colaborar en la prestación de cuidados psíquicos al paciente/cliente, realizando, a su nivel, la aplicación de técnicas de apoyo psicológico y de educación sanitaria.

  • Realizar tareas de instrumentación en equipos de salud bucodental.


Upon completion of the cycle, the student obtains the official title of Nursing Auxiliary Care Technician (TCAE), nationally recognized and valid for professional practice in health centers and hospitals.

Duration, Schedule and Modality

Duration: 1.400 horas, distribuidas en un curso académico en el centro educativo y tres meses de formación en empresas del sector durante el curso siguiente. Mode: Presencial y online(según disponibilidad). Schedules: Morning and afternoon shifts.

Modules and Subjects

El currículo oficial en la Comunidad de Madrid para este ciclo formativo incluye los siguientes módulos:

  • Operaciones administrativas y documentación sanitaria

  • Técnicas básicas de enfermería

  • Higiene del medio hospitalario y limpieza del material

  • Promoción de la salud y apoyo psicológico al paciente

  • Técnicas de ayuda odontológica/estomatológica

  • Relaciones en el equipo de trabajo

  • Formación y Orientación Laboral (F.O.L.)

  • Formación en Centros de Trabajo (F.C.T.)

Internships in Centers

Training internships in hospitals and health centres, where students apply the knowledge they have acquired in a real professional environment.

Scholarships and Funding

To facilitate access to training, we offer different options scholarships and grants:

  • State Scholarships: grants awarded by the Ministry of Education to students who meet certain academic and financial requirements.

  • Regional Grants: Subsidies offered by the autonomous communities to promote vocational training.

    • Community of Madrid – Intermediate Vocational Training Scholarships

    • Community of Madrid – Higher Vocational Training Scholarships

  • Agreements with financial institutions that offer financing options to cover tuition and other expenses associated with training.

  • Forma-t Group's own scholarships: En Grupo Forma-t creemos en una formación accesible para todos, brindando a nuestro alumnado la oportunidad de acceder a una Formación Profesional de calidad, sin que las circunstancias económicas sean una barrera. Por ello, ofrecemos diversas becas propias.

Continuing Education

This training cycle allows you to continue your education and access:


Career Opportunities

Al obtener el título de Nursing Assistant Technician, podrás desempeñar roles como:

  • Atención primaria y comunitaria: domiciliaria, promoción de la salud, salud bucodental, consultas y residencias de ancianos.

  • Atención especializada: consultas, hospitalización, urgencias, pediatría, unidades especiales (UVI, UCI, etc.), geriatría, etc.

  • Centros sanitarios, centros balneoterápicos y departamentos de asuntos sociales de Ministerios, Comunidades Autónomas y Ayuntamientos.

Podrás trabajar en el sector sanitario, ya sea en empresas privadas o públicas, o incluso crear tu propia empresa.


Requirements for Studying Vocational Training

Requisitos de acceso:

Para acceder al ciclo de grado medio, debes cumplir al menos uno de los siguientes requisitos:

  • Estar en posesión del Título de Graduado en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) o de un nivel académico superior.

  • Poseer un Título Profesional Básico (Formación Profesional de Grado Básico).

  • Tener un Título de Técnico o de Técnico Auxiliar o equivalente a efectos académicos.

  • Haber superado el segundo curso del Bachillerato Unificado y Polivalente (BUP).

  • Having overcome the prueba de acceso a ciclos formativos de grado medio, para la cual se requiere tener, al menos, diecisiete años cumplidos en el año de realización de la prueba.

Students with professional experience in this sector can validate the training units recognised through our Advice and Recognition Service. They can also be totally or partially exempt from the internship module. In addition, those with previous qualifications can request the corresponding validations provided for by the regulations.

Request information without obligation, our advisory team will help you.

The Intermediate Training Course in Nursing Auxiliary Care is aimed at students interested in health care and the well-being of people, especially in healthcare environments such as hospitals and clinics. This course is ideal for those who wish to work in the health sector, providing support and care to patients of different ages and conditions.

Interpersonal skills, teamwork skills and empathy are recommended, as well as an interest in patient care and learning healthcare techniques. A basic level of English is also beneficial, as medical terminology may require it.


Degree Obtained

Nursing Assistant Technician


In-person classes and practical sessions distributed between the centre's facilities and collaborating hospitals. Flexible schedules, with the option of a blended learning modality.

Subjects or Modules per Course

      • Administrative Operations and Health Documentation
      • The Human Being in the Face of Illness
      • Patient Wellbeing
      • Basic Nursing Care
      • First aid
      • Hygiene in the Hospital Environment
      • Psychological Support for the Patient
      • Health Education
      • Dental and Stomatological Assistance Techniques
      • Relationships in the Work Team
      • Training and Career Guidance
      • Training in Workplaces (FCT)
      • Synthesis Project
      • ICT Workshop: Introduction to Digital Tools

School Term

Annual, distributed over an academic year.

Professional Internships

Training internships in hospitals and health centres, where students apply the knowledge they have acquired in a real professional environment.

General Competencies

  • Acquire the necessary knowledge in auxiliary nursing care to assist patients and users in health centers, respecting current hygiene and safety regulations
  • Apply in a practical way the knowledge acquired in the health field, demonstrating skills to address and solve problems in everyday situations
  • Gather and interpret data on patient well-being to make responsible decisions within the limits of their training and skills
  • Communicate effectively with patients, family members and multidisciplinary teams, transmitting information and solutions tailored to their needs
  • Develop skills to improve personal and professional autonomy, promoting continuous training in the health field

Specific Competencies

  • Apply basic procedures in patient care, complying with hygiene and safety regulations in the healthcare environment
  • Provide personal care and emotional support to patients, promoting their physical, psychological and social well-being
  • Collaborate with multidisciplinary teams in the healthcare field, integrating effectively with other health professionals
  • Manage health documentation and perform administrative tasks related to patient care, respecting data confidentiality
  • Apply basic first aid techniques and act quickly and effectively in emergency situations
  • Identifying the needs of patients based on their health status, collaborating in the implementation of appropriate solutions under the supervision of healthcare personnel

Transversal Competencies

  • Work effectively in multidisciplinary teams, valuing the diversity of perspectives and contributions in the healthcare field
  • Communicate procedures, results and conclusions clearly and effectively to different audiences, using both written reports and oral communication
  • Maintain a commitment to professional development, following best practices and advances in the field of auxiliary nursing care
  • Apply an ethical and professional approach in all functions performed, respecting legal regulations, patient rights and the code of ethics of the health sector


At Forma-t you have the option of enrolling online, through this website, or directly through the advisory team at the Barcelona or Madrid center.

Contact us at and we will guide you so that you can enroll quickly and efficiently.

If you have any questions or problems during the self-registration period, you can contact us:

Please check the incident notices on this page, where we will post any relevant information.

If there are no published notices, report the incident to Academic Management through Make sure to use the email address you provided when you registered.

Academic Management will analyze the incidents and provide a response within a maximum period of 48 working hours.

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