Senior Technician in Pathological Anatomy and Cytodiagnosis
Center code (08074082)

General Information
He Higher Technician Degree in Pathological Anatomy and Cytodiagnosis te capacita para organizar y gestionar el área de trabajo asignada en una unidad o gabinete, realizar necropsias, procesar biopsias y estudiar citológicamente muestras clínicas. Interpretarás y validarás los resultados técnicos para que sirvan como soporte al diagnóstico clínico o médico-legal, siempre bajo la supervisión correspondiente.
In Format Group, ofrecemos una formación integral con professionals in the sector, prácticas en laboratorios y centros sanitarios de prestigio, y un itinerario flexible que se adapta a tu ritmo de estudio.
General Competencies
Al finalizar este ciclo formativo, estarás capacitado para:
Gestionar muestras biológicas, asegurando su correcta recolección, conservación y procesamiento para análisis.
Realizar técnicas generales de laboratorio, aplicando procedimientos de bioquímica, microbiología, hematología y genética molecular.
Aplicar técnicas de biología molecular y citogenética en el análisis de muestras biológicas.
Realizar necropsias, siguiendo protocolos establecidos y bajo supervisión.
Procesar muestras citológicas y tisulares, empleando técnicas histológicas y citológicas adecuadas.
Interpretar y validar resultados técnicos, colaborando en el diagnóstico y seguimiento de enfermedades.
Aplicar normas de calidad y seguridad, garantizando el cumplimiento de protocolos y normativas vigentes en el ámbito sanitario.
At the end of the cycle, students obtain the official degree of Higher Technician in Pathological Anatomy and Cytodiagnosis, valid for working in hospitals, clinics and laboratories in the area of biological analysis and medical diagnosis.Duration, Schedule and Modality
Duration: 2.000 horas distribuidas en dos cursos académicos, incluyendo la Formación en Centros de Trabajo (FCT). Mode: In person and online (subject to availability) Schedules: Morning and afternoon shifts.Modules and Subjects
El currículo oficial en la Comunidad de Madrid para este ciclo formativo incluye los siguientes módulos:
Gestión de muestras biológicas (195 horas)
Técnicas generales de laboratorio (230 horas)
Biología molecular y citogenética (195 horas)
Fisiopatología general (195 horas)
Necropsias (60 horas)
Procesamiento citológico y tisular (190 horas)
Citología ginecológica (170 horas)
Citología general (170 horas)
Training and career guidance (90 horas)
Empresa e iniciativa emprendedora (65 horas)
Inglés técnico para grado superior (40 horas)
Proyecto de anatomía patológica y citodiagnóstico (30 horas)
Formación en centros de trabajo (FCT) (370 horas)
Internships in Centers
They carry out internships in hospitals, clinics and specialized laboratories, where students apply the knowledge acquired in a real professional environment.Scholarships and Funding
To facilitate access to training, we offer different options scholarships and grants:- State Scholarships: grants awarded by the Ministry of Education to students who meet certain academic and financial requirements.
- Regional Grants: Subsidies offered by the autonomous communities to promote vocational training.
- Agreements with financial institutions that offer financing options to cover tuition and other expenses associated with training.
- Forma-t Group's own scholarshipsAt Grupo Forma-t we believe in accessible training for all, offering our students the opportunity to access quality vocational training, without economic circumstances being a barrier. For this reason, we offer various scholarships of our own.
Continuing Education
This training cycle allows you to continue your education and access:- Otros Ciclos Formativos de Grado Superior: ampliando tus competencias en el ámbito sanitario.
Enseñanzas universitarias de Grado: en áreas relacionadas con la salud y la biomedicina, mediante los procedimientos de admisión establecidos.

Career Opportunities
Al obtener el título de Higher Technician in Pathological Anatomy and Cytodiagnosis, podrás desempeñar roles como:
Técnico/a superior en anatomía patológica y citología: realizando análisis de muestras biológicas para apoyar el diagnóstico médico.
Prosector/a de autopsias clínicas y médico-legales: colaborando en la realización de necropsias y estudios postmortem.
Asistente en biología molecular: participando en investigaciones y estudios en el ámbito de la biomedicina.
Técnico/a en laboratorios de investigación y experimentación: colaborando en proyectos científicos y desarrollo de nuevos métodos diagnósticos.
Podrás trabajar en el sector sanitario, tanto en el ámbito público como en el privado, en hospitales, laboratorios clínicos, centros de investigación biomédica, institutos anatómico-forenses y empresas del sector biotecnológico.
Requirements for Studying Vocational Training
Requisitos de acceso:
Para acceder al ciclo de grado superior, debes cumplir al menos uno de los siguientes requisitos:
Estar en posesión del Título de Bachillerato o equivalente.
Poseer un Título de Técnico de Grado Medio o de Técnico Superior.
Haber superado el Curso de Orientación Universitaria (COU) o el preuniversitario.
Tener una titulación universitaria o equivalente.
Having overcome the prueba de acceso a ciclos formativos de grado superior, para la cual se requiere tener, al menos, 19 años cumplidos en el año de realización de la prueba, o 18 años si se posee un título de Técnico relacionado.
Students with professional experience in this sector can validate the training units recognised through our Advice and Recognition Service. They can also be totally or partially exempt from the internship module. In addition, those with previous qualifications can request the corresponding validations provided for by the regulations.
Request information without obligation, our advisory team will help you.
Student Profile
The Advanced Training Cycle in Pathological Anatomy and Cytodiagnosis is aimed at students interested in health sciences and clinical laboratories, especially in the analysis of biological samples and molecular biology. This cycle is ideal for those who wish to understand how advanced techniques in pathological anatomy and cytology contribute to accurate diagnoses and improve health care.
Curriculum and Schedule
Title Obtained
Higher Technician in Pathological Anatomy and Cytodiagnosis.
Schedules designed to combine theoretical training at the center's facilities and practical training in clinical laboratories and collaborating hospitals.
Subjects or Modules per Course
- Biological Sample Management
- General Laboratory Techniques
- Gynecological and non-gynecological cytology
- Histopathology and Diagnostic Techniques
- Molecular Biology and Applied Genetics
- Sample Processing and Clinical Biochemistry
- Fundamentals of Immunohistochemistry
- Risk Prevention in Laboratories
- First aid
- Training and Career Guidance
- Training in Workplaces (FCT)
- Synthesis Project
- ICT Workshop: Introduction to Digital Tools
School Term
Annual, distributed over two academic years
Study Regime
Full-time dedication, with the possibility of part-time work
Professional Internships
Internships in clinical laboratories and health centers in areas related to pathological anatomy and cytology.
Project Module
Pathological Anatomy and Cytodiagnosis project, focused on the integration of learning and practical application in professional environments.
Competencies / Learning outcomes
Basic Competencies
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the field of pathological anatomy and cytology, applying the fundamental principles acquired since secondary education and updated with modern techniques of the discipline.
- Professionally apply the knowledge acquired in the healthcare field, solving specific problems and participating in the analysis and diagnosis of pathologies.
- Collect and interpret relevant data from biological samples to make informed judgments on scientific, ethical or social aspects related to health.
- Communicate information, ideas and procedures clearly to specialized audiences (medical and technical staff) and non-specialized audiences (patients or family members).
- Develop skills that allow continuing with higher education or specializations related to the health and biological sector, with a high degree of autonomy.
Specific Competencies
- Sample collection and preparation: Know and apply the technical and clinical fundamentals for obtaining, fixing, processing and preserving biological samples.
- Tissue and cell analysis: Perform histological and cytological studies using staining techniques, microscopy, immunohistochemistry and molecular biology.
- Advanced pre-analytical techniques: Process biological samples, cell cultures and genetic analysis, ensuring accuracy at all stages of the diagnostic process.
- Clinical and forensic autopsies: Participate in the performance of autopsies, guaranteeing the quality of the procedures and respecting legal and ethical regulations.
- Handling specialized equipment: Operate laboratory equipment safely and efficiently, ensuring compliance with quality and safety protocols.
- Multidisciplinary teamwork: Collaborate with other healthcare professionals in diagnostic processes, optimizing results through the integration of knowledge and skills.
- Technological innovation: Adapting to new technologies in the laboratory, contributing to the improvement of diagnostic procedures and the quality of care.
- Regulatory compliance: Apply legal, deontological and ethical regulations in the handling of biological samples and in professional practice.
Transversal Competencies
- Team collaboration: Working effectively in multidisciplinary teams, respecting the views and contributions of other healthcare professionals.
- Effective communication: Communicate results, procedures and conclusions clearly and accurately, both in written reports and oral presentations.
- Continuing education: Maintain a commitment to learning and constant updating in the scientific, technological and methodological advances of the sector.
- Professional ethics: Act with professionalism and ethics, respecting the rights of patients, current legal regulations and the principles of confidentiality in the healthcare environment.
At Forma-t you have the option of enrolling online, through this website, or directly through the advisory team at the Barcelona or Madrid center.
Contact us at and we will guide you so that you can enroll quickly and efficiently.
If you have any questions or problems during the self-registration period, you can contact us:
- Phone: 93 432 97 97
- E-mail:
Please check the incident notices on this page, where we will post any relevant information.
If there are no published notices, report the incident to Academic Management through Make sure to use the email address you provided when you registered.
Academic Management will analyze the incidents and provide a response within a maximum period of 48 working hours.